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Auto Repair Shop

可用空間 - 汽車修配廠如何配置

Auto repair shop layout


you want a large repair shop so that you can serve as many as vehicles. However, it will be a problem what you have a limited space, especially if you locate the shop in a big cities with a lot of shops around you.No matter how small or large the space you have, you need to be realistic. Make the most of the space so that you can include all required elements of repair shop in your garage.Be flexible and it will be a lot better not to stick to what you want but what you have. Then, you can step further to the next. 


Designing your auto repair shop layout is actually not difficult. You just need to be sure you know the process of repair. Only then, you can arrange the equipments in the best place. Wrong placement of equipments just causes the repair process slightly delayed.

However, in case you need some ideas, there are some layout design ideas that you can use as reference to design your auto repair shop. Of course, you cannot simply stick to it. 

When you decide to use one of those layouts, ensure it has included all equipments in a good arrangement.

To achieve the smoothness of the overall work shall prevail before deciding on the style.